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Module elasticsearch


Important Capabilities

Platform InstanceEnabled by default

This plugin extracts the following:

  • Metadata for indexes
  • Column types associated with each index field

CLI based Ingestion

Install the Plugin

pip install 'acryl-datahub[elasticsearch]'

Config Details

Note that a . is used to denote nested fields in the YAML recipe.

View All Configuration Options
envstringThe environment that all assets produced by this connector belong toPROD
platform_instancestringThe instance of the platform that all assets produced by this recipe belong toNone
hoststringThe elastic search host URI.localhost:9200
usernamestringThe username credential.None
passwordstringThe password credential.None
use_sslbooleanWhether to use SSL for the connection or not.False
verify_certsbooleanWhether to verify SSL certificates.False
ca_certsstringPath to a certificate authority (CA) certificate.None
client_certstringPath to the file containing the private key and the certificate, or cert only if using client_key.None
client_keystringPath to the file containing the private key if using separate cert and key files.None
ssl_assert_hostnamebooleanUse hostname verification if not False.False
ssl_assert_fingerprintstringVerify the supplied certificate fingerprint if not None.None
url_prefixstringThere are cases where an enterprise would have multiple elastic search clusters. One way for them to manage is to have a single endpoint for all the elastic search clusters and use url_prefix for routing requests to different clusters.
ingest_index_templatesbooleanIngests ES index templates if enabled.False
index_patternAllowDenyPattern (see below for fields)regex patterns for indexes to filter in ingestion.{'allow': ['.*'], 'deny': ['^_.', '^ilm-history.'], 'ignoreCase': True}
index_pattern.allowArray of stringList of regex patterns to include in ingestion['.*']
index_pattern.denyArray of stringList of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion.[]
index_pattern.ignoreCasebooleanWhether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching.True
index_template_patternAllowDenyPattern (see below for fields)The regex patterns for filtering index templates to ingest.{'allow': ['.*'], 'deny': ['^_.*'], 'ignoreCase': True}
index_template_pattern.allowArray of stringList of regex patterns to include in ingestion['.*']
index_template_pattern.denyArray of stringList of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion.[]
index_template_pattern.ignoreCasebooleanWhether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching.True

Code Coordinates

  • Class Name: datahub.ingestion.source.elastic_search.ElasticsearchSource
  • Browse on GitHub


If you've got any questions on configuring ingestion for Elasticsearch, feel free to ping us on our Slack